Hope & Safety Alliance

Hope & Safety Alliance has been providing hope and safety to survivors of domestic violence for over 45 years. Each year we serve thousands of survivors and children from our urban and rural communities in Lane County.

Domestic violence does not discriminate, therefore Hope & Safety Alliance serves all survivors and is committed to maintaining an inclusive, trauma informed safe space for everyone.

We believe everyone has the right to a life free from violence and fear of abuse.

Hope & Safety Alliance MISSION

Our mission is to protect, shelter, and empower people impacted by domestic violence; and to promote social change to end violence for our community.

Hope & Safety Alliance CORE VALUES

Awareness, Truthfulness, Non-violence, Prevention, Fairness, Collaboration, Feminism, Survivor-Centered Advocacy, Self-Actualization

Hope & Safety Alliance SERVICES

Our services are designed to support survivors in their efforts to find safety and heal from the trauma of intimate partner violence. Our goal is to provide information, education and resources that will empower survivors, professionals and community members to better understand the dynamics of domestic violence and how to prevent future abuse.

Emergency Services includes 24-hour confidential crisis line, emergency shelter options including Jamie’s House, and our Advocacy Center.
Advocacy and Support Services includes co-located advocates, legal advocacy, transportation, rural outreach, safety planning, support groups and community referrals.
Housing Support Services includes case management services to assist with preparing for and sustaining permanent housing.
Programs and Family Support includes respite care and support to children accompanying survivors while in shelter, meeting with and advocate or attending support groups.
Community Outreach includes public events, trainings and school presentations.

HERSTORY - Formerly Womenspace

In the early 1970’s, Lane County was part of a growing consciousness happening across the country and the world responding to violence against women. Womenspace, Inc. started as a grassroots response with a core group of six women who established a crisis line in 1975. These women were Mabel Armstrong, Mary Jeanne Jacobsen, Lee Pettigrew, Nancy Barnes and Connie Holvey. Their efforts evolved into establishing a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization and the Womenspace shelter opened in 1977. For over forty years, Womenspace continued to grow in response to local needs, adding youth services, transitional housing support, culturally appropriate services, and legal assistance while advocating for effective public policies on local, state and national levels. The domestic violence movement history illustrates significant milestones in the evolution of Womenspace as an organization. In 2021, Womenspace changed its name to embrace the work it does and its commitment to doing better - Hope & Safety Alliance is the natural evolution of over 45 years of service.


Hope & Safety Alliance celebrates a community of board, staff and volunteers who have diverse cultures, backgrounds, and life experiences. Our organization fosters a culture of open-mindedness, compassion and commitment throughout our programs.

Hope & Safety Alliance is governed by a board of directors who serve three-year terms. Our Board of Directors consists of community leaders with diverse backgrounds in banking, legal, insurance, business, along with nonprofit management graduate student.

Direct service staff and volunteers complete a comprehensive 40-hour certification training which includes understanding the dynamics of domestic violence and sexual assault, and effective responses to intimate partner violence. Hope & Safety Alliance values continuous education for staff with annual competency trainings and other topics relevant to its work.

Volunteers are a tremendous asset in carrying out the mission of the Hope & Safety Alliance. Volunteers assist programs, help with outreach efforts, serve on the board of directors and serve survivors through the 24-hour crisis line. Click here to learn more about joining our team.

Our administrative team consists of an Executive Director, Deputy Director, Grants Manager, Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator, Development Coordinator, Office Coordinator, Accounting Specialist, and IT Administrator. 

Contact Us using our online form.


Hope & Safety Alliance relies on community support to effectively serve survivors of domestic violence in Lane County. We are fiscally responsible and are grateful for the trust our donors place in us to deliver quality programs.

2022/2023 Form 990

2021/2022 Form 990

2020/2021 Form 990

2019/2020 Form 990

2018/2019 Form 990

2017/2018 Form 990

2016/2017 Form 990

2015/2016 Form 990